Welcome to the

Embodied Woman

An online learning portal.

If you're ready to...

Live your life as authentically as possible
Make decisions that align with who you are
Create a clear vision for your future
Let go of the stress and fear that's holding you back

Embodied Woman was designed for women just like you.

Hi there, I'm Jessica!

I am a therapist, educator, and the creator of "Embodied Woman." And I'm so glad you're here!

Look, I get it. It seems like everyone else has it figured out…except you. You’re struggling with unrealistic expectations that lead to frustration and indecision. You’ve never quite felt “good enough” and are exhausted while trying to do it all. 

I've been there, too. And I want to help you move forward. Designed to meet the unique needs of modern women, my courses will gently guide you through the process of reconnecting with yourself and what matters most to you.

You've been waiting for this.

Let's get started!