Sound Like You?

When it comes to the kids or childfree decision, fears and "what-ifs" are running the show. It's hard to know the difference between what you actually want, and what everyone else expects of you.

As a fence-sitter, you've put so much time and effort into thinking about this decision but you still feel anxious and confused about which choice is right for you.

It's hard to understand what you're feeling in the midst of everything else that's going on. You feel like you've lost touch with yourself and what you wanted your life to look like.

You're so overwhelmed by making this decision that you can't decide where to start.

If you're a fence-sitter who isn't sure where to start in your kids or childfree decision, I've got you covered!

My self-paced course is an essential tool for any fence-sitter who is yearning for a place to get started in approaching one of life's most difficult decisions. More than just a guide to understanding your kids or childfree choice, this course is a roadmap towards self-discovery and growth to propel you forward on the path of creating the most authentic life possible!

When you join me on this journey of self-discovery, you’ll get my one-of-a-kind strategies, guided exercises, and valuable insights that will help you uncover your authentic self and empower you to move forward. 

Say goodbye to those pesky self-doubts and lingering fears of regret... give yourself the tools to define what you want to prioritize as you consider your future.

Hi, I'm Jessica!

I help women just like you decide whether they want to have kids or remain childfree!

As a former fence-sitter, I know how hard it is to make this decision when there isn't a clear right answer. I want to empower you with the tools you need to make your kids or childfree choice in way that aligns with what matters most to you!


Here's everything you'll learn when you purchase my course.

✨You'll understand why knowing yourself is an essential first step in making a kids or childfree choice that aligns for you!

👉You'll identify the values and priorities that you want to help guide you in this decision-making process.

😎You'll define what brings you fulfillment and creates meaning in your life so that you can make a decision that aligns with what matters most to you!

💥You'll explore where you want to invest your energy and resources as you consider your future, and whether a having kids or living childfree most aligns with your goals and dreams.

👀You'll give yourself an opportunity to understand the strengths and skills you have that can help drive you towards a future that authentically aligns with who you are!

🚀PLUS... as an added bonus you'll get two prompts designed to help you envision a future that includes parenthood or living childfree, so you can further understand how either choice aligns with what matters most!

Here's What's Included!

⇒ Over 45 minutes of video content packed with practical tips and tools to help you move past indecision and define what matters most to you!

⇒ Four modules with coordinating videos and workbook exercises to help you dig deeper into your decision-making process.

⇒ A one-of-a-kind workbook  with 27 pages of thought-provoking promptsinteractive exercises, and personalized worksheets that will help you uncover your deepest truths and desires. 

⇒ A convenienteasy-to-use online format that allows you to go at a pace that feels best for you. No waitlists, no group calls to schedule around… this course is yours to use how and when you want to use it!

It's time for you to get off the fence! Join me in this one-of-a-kind course and discover the path that's right for you.