Sound like you?

⇒Your indecision about parenthood is causing you to put off important decisions about your future while you’re waiting for an answer.

⇒ A fear of regret or a sense of urgency to make the “right” choice is keeping you stuck or unable to make a decision.

⇒ You always thought you’d want children but haven’t ever felt the desire and wonder if something might be “wrong” with you.

⇒ You feel like you're "falling behind" as others around you begin having children and moving forward with traditional milestones.

⇒ Circumstances in your life are different than you imagined they would be and it’s causing some uncertainty about the best way to move forward.

⇒ You’ve been so focused on things like work, travel, relationships, etc. that you haven’t dedicated time to exploring the “kids” decision… and now it feels like time is running out.

⇒ You’ve spent so much time considering your options and researching all possible scenarios, but still have no idea what you want for yourself.

In just eight weeks you could have...

clarity in what you feel and desire as you approach your kids or childfree decision,

awareness of the values and priorities that influence the choices you're making about your future,

a thorough understanding of the factors that have influenced your choice and the ability to address circumstances that don't support your goals,

⇒ and a clear vision of your future that authentically aligns with who you are and the confidence to pursue your goals.

It's Time To Take Your Life Back.

Say goodbye to the constant back and forth, the lingering self-doubt, the fear of regret, and never quite feeling settled in what your future will look like.

Are you ready to finally decide whether or not you want to become a mother?

This immersive, self-paced course was designed to allow you to consciously engage with the decision of whether or not to have children so that you can move forward with clarity.

Aa a step-by-step guide to helping you understand what you want as you approach your choice, this course is an essential tool for any woman yearning for clarity in the midst of one of the most important, fundamental decisions she can make. 

If you’re ready to overcome parenthood indecision and finally move forward with your future, this is the course for you!

Hi, I'm Jessica!

I help women just like you decide whether or not they want to have kids or remain childfree.

I know what it’s like to struggle with parenthood indecision on a personal level, and I understand how tough it can be to make this decision on your own.

After helping countless women overcome their own indecision and find clarity in their futures, I’ve created this one-of-a-kind online course to help you do the same. I’m taking my personal experience and combining it with a decade of clinical expertise to bring you everything I know about what it looks like to dig deep and overcome the indecision that’s been keeping you stuck. 

I found my clarity, and I want to help you find it too.

Here’s what you’ll learn throughout this life-changing eight-week course! 

Week One: You’ll identify how parenthood indecision is showing up in your life and explore what it means to make a conscious choice about whether or not to become a parent.

Week Two: You’ll discover the patterns that are keeping you stuck in indecision and build awareness of what you need in order to move forward.

Week Three: You’ll learn how to connect with the emotions impacting your decision-making process and unlock their wisdom to help guide your journey. Plus, I’ll talk through six of the most difficult emotions that come up in parenthood indecision and how to use them as a guide to making a conscious choice!

Week Four: You’ll uncover the beliefs that are keeping you stuck and learn how to reframe beliefs that keep you from moving forward. 

Week Five: You will build awareness of your values, strengths, passions, and goals so you can use them as a guide in your decision-making process.

Week Six: You’ll build an understanding of the practicalities and realities that may influence your choices and determine what they mean for your decision. 

Week Seven: You’ll explore your perceptions and expectations of parenthood, identify reasons that you may choose parenthood, define what appeals to you (or doesn’t!) about parenthood, and envision what a future that includes parenthood looks like for you.

Week Eight: You’ll explore your perceptions and expectations of living childfree, identify reasons that you may choose a childfree life, define what appeals to you (or doesn’t!) about living childfree, and envision what a childfree future looks like for you.

Here's What's Included!

8 self-paced modules packed with practical tips and tools to help you move past indecision!

Each module includes videos and workbook exercises to help you dig deeper into your decision-making process. The convenient, easy-to-use online format of this course allows you to go at a pace that feels best for you. No waitlists, no group calls to schedule around… this course is yours to use how and when you want to use it!

Over 5 hours of video content broken down into 45, easy-to-apply videos!

My videos are designed to get right to the point and help you understand what’s holding you back from the clarity you desire! You’ll get my one-of-a-kind strategies, guided exercises, and valuable insights that will help you uncover your authentic self and empower you to move forward. 

A 110 page immersive course workbook loaded with quizzes, prompts, and worksheets to guide you on your journey to clarity!

This is more than just a workbook- it’s a roadmap to creating a future that authentically aligns with who you are! Your workbook provides you an opportunity to delve deeper into the course content and encourages self-reflection through thought-provoking prompts, interactive exercises, and personalized quizzes that will help you uncover your deepest truths and desires. 

It's Time to Take Your Life Back. Join me in this one-of-a-kind course and discover the path that's right for you!

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Your purchase of this course enables you to have access to the course content for 12 months after your purchase date. This bundle contains digital downloads and is not eligible for any refunds. As stated in Teachable's Terms of Use, Bundles that contain coaching and/or digital downloads ARE NOT covered by Teachable's 30-day student refund policy.